Chapter 1 Analysis


  • Read the chapter first before listening to the analysis. The analysis is not a chapter summary or reading, it is instead designed to help you read 'between the lines' and notice themes, characterisation, symbols, and other literary devices that are hidden to the untrained eye!
  • It helps comprehension and memory if you take notes while listening to the analysis. Consider annotating your copy of the novel, or writing in your workbook/typing notes on your computer. Pause the analysis as many times as you like to take notes.
  • If you already have a set of notes and are revising pre-SAC or exam, feel free to listen to this audio recording while travelling, exercising, relaxing in bed before sleep, or at some place picturesque. English study does not need to be dreary!

Don't forget! If you've picked up on something that has not been mentioned in the analysis, or want to discuss aspects of the chapter with your fellow Pioneering Tuition students, leave a comment below! We hope that throughout 2018, purchasers of this detailed guide can develop their own social knowledge base of Burial Rites insight!

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